In Australia, we believe in democracy and equality: we should be able to elect our own Head of State.

our Future. 

our Choice.

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The Australian Republic Movement is the peak membership body advocating on behalf of the Australian people for an Australian republic with an Australian as our Head of State.

Let’s chart our own course.

Australia’s First Nations are the world’s oldest continuing cultures. We’re a uniquely successful multicultural country. Only someone who truly understands us can be a unifying symbol at home, safeguarding our Constitution and representing us proudly abroad.

Our Head of State should work for us full-time, fully committed to Australia. They should be elected on merit and be one of us – with the skills to do the job, accountable to us and unwaveringly loyal to us. Let’s make this happen.

Who are we?

We’re Australians advocating for an Australian republic with an Australian as our Head of State.

We believe that the Australian people are best served by a local who champions our needs and interests.

We’re committed to strengthening our democracy and celebrating who we are as a nation.

As a grassroots, Member-driven body, the Australian people are at the heart of our movement.

Our Members are in neighbourhoods, towns and cities all over Australia. Our leaders are elected to steer the organisation on their behalf. They’re all volunteers who are passionate about an Australian republic.

Australians have the power to decide how we’re governed and by whom. We’re the conversation-starter, facilitator and campaigner. Our work can’t happen without you.

What is a republic?

A republic is a system of government where citizens elect people from within their own communities to serve as their representatives and make decisions on their behalf. In a republic, the people’s elected representatives govern the nation, responsible to the people and acting in their best interests. At the apex of a republic sits a democratically selected head of state.

At present, Australia is a constitutional monarchy. We have a King. King Charles III is King of Australia. He is our Head of State. The King is gifted this position by birthright. He isn’t elected, appointed, nor even endorsed by the people. He holds that position for life, and then it’s passed on to his first-born child. Even though Charles is King of Australia, he is in fact a British citizen and lives in the United Kingdom.

To serve as his local representative, the King appoints a Governor-General on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Governor-General is vested with the King’s powers to act on behalf of His Majesty to provide Royal Assent to legislative bills, to issue writs for elections, and to appoint (and dismiss) officeholders, including the Prime Minister, who is our Head of Government.

In some countries, like the United States, the President is both Head of State and Head of Government, serving as an executive president. In other countries, like Ireland, the President is largely a ceremonial Head of State, while the Prime Minister is the Head of Government and holds executive power. 

We think it’s time for an Australian to be our Head of State: to ensure the smooth operation of parliament and government, to safeguard our Constitution, and represent us at home and abroad – while the Prime Minister, as Head of Government, continues to administer the country and set public policy through the Executive (government ministers) and Parliament.

A colourful collage: an Australian map and flags.

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Our Values

Unity and Belonging

We celebrate Australia as the most successful multicultural community in the world – honouring more than 65 millennia of First Nations culture, with more than two centuries of European settlement and British institutions, and vibrant immigration that welcomes all people.

Equality and Aspiration

We believe in merit, equal opportunity, the Australian notion of having a go, and the principle that every job should be filled by an Australian with the right skills and experience.

Democracy and Choice

We embrace the Westminster system of government, the separation of powers, the rule of law, responsible government, free and fair elections, and the primacy of the will of the Australian people to be masters of our own destiny.

Non-partisanship and Collaboration

We believe an Australian republic is beyond politics and goes to the very heart of who we are as a nation, and as such seek to collaborate and engage with Australians from all walks of life to achieve a shared vision for Australia’s future.

Integrity and Leadership

We champion truth, honesty and respect, and believe in accountability, integrity and leadership in the best interests of Australia and our people.