In Australia, we believe in democracy and equality: we should be able to elect our own Head of State.

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Every dollar we raise will go towards our campaign for an Australian republic, with one of our own as head of state.


There have always been a host of great reasons to join the ARM: the chance to be a part of an historic national movement; the ability to help set the direction of the campaign; and the opportunity to meet new people who feel as strongly as you do about having an Australian, chosen by Australians, as our head of state.


Want to play a part in the movement? We’ve got what you need to get started - this is where to begin.


what we're for

The King or Queen of the United Kingdom is automatically Australia's Head of State. They inherit the role, from one generation of Royals to the next. They're not chosen for their ability or merit. They're not accountable to us. They don't represent us or put Australia's interests first and yet they are given an important role in Australia's Constitution. Our Head of State should be an Australian, chosen by Australians and accountable to them. This important role must be in Australian hands.

The only way to give Aussies that choice is to hold a national vote, a ‘referendum’, to change Australia’s Constitution, so that the role is held by an Australian instead of the British King or Queen. Australia's most trusted and respected citizens would be nominated for their ability and merit by Australia’s Parliaments and elected by Australians.

Join the campaign today to help us make this important historic step.



The campaign for an Australian Republic is driven by volunteers and supporters right across the country. From neighbourhood street corners, to the steps of Federal Parliament, the campaign to have an Australian as our head of state is going from strength to strength. Find out more about the latest developments here.


Join the movement

The Australian Republic Movement is the leading voice for Australians wanting the ability to choose our own head of state. We have been leading the discussion on an Australian republic for more than three decades.

Be a part of this historic movement by joining today.
