A personal message to Members from ARM Chair Peter FitzSimons
Dear Members and Supporters of the Australian Republican Movement,
Ah, long have we waited, deep have been our trials, but . . . we are on the move!
Whatever you think of the events in Canberra last night, the upshot for us, is significant.
For the first time in the history of our country, the stars of the Southern Cross are now perfectly aligned towards us becoming a Republic.
We have always said we needed bipartisan support to truly get the Republic going.
We now have it.
With the ascension of the country’s most famous Republican, Malcolm Turnbull, at the expense of the country’s most famous Monarchist, Tony Abbott, the key difference on this sparkling day is that many of our fellow Australians now believe this can happen.
Sure, you and I have been true believers for many moons, but that was never going to be enough.
We’ve always need a mass of believers.
Today, this day, our task is to start signing them up.
Please pursue today.
For Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to make the next step, and formally move us towards becoming a Republic, it will help him in his Party room, if he can point to the energy and size of our movement, can demonstrate just how widespread and mainstream fervour for the Republic is.
It is for us to provide that.
Please today – there’ll never be a better day to do it, or did I already mention that – sign someone up!
Thank you, and please feel free to pass this email on to your networks.
Peter FitzSimons AM
Australian Republican Movement
PS. If you would like to email me, great. I am on pfitzsimons@smh.com.au
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