ARM welcomes announcement of Shadow Assistant Minister

The Australian Republic Movement (ARM) congratulates Matt Thistlethwaite on his appointment today as Shadow Assistant Minister for an Australian Head of State.

"This decision by the Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is good news for all supporters of an Australian head of state," according to Michael Cooney, the National Director of the ARM.

"The campaign for an Australian head of state is at its strongest when its leadership is bipartisan and its politics inclusive. The PM and Opposition Leader, and every Premier and Chief Minister regardless of party, support a republic. 

"We were thrilled when at the ARM's Gala in Melbourne in July the Opposition Leader announced that by the end of the first term of a future Labor Government there would be a national vote on the question of whether should Australia have an Australian head of state. This commitment, and today's announcement, reflect the growing bipartisan support for the campaign."

ARM Chair Peter FitzSimons welcomed the news.

"Bill Shorten's announcement creates a rare opportunity for unity. Today we can get a big break in the left-right conflict that is so bad for Australian politics," Mr FitzSimons said.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if today Prime Minister Turnbull - one of the most passionate republicans in the land - just said yes!"

"We could have a Minister for the Republic by the end of Question Time - and that Minister and Matt Thistlethwaite could have their first constructive meeting this afternoon!"