Australian Republic Advisory Panel Announced

The Australian Republic Movement has today announced the formation of the Australian Republic Advisory Panel.

“The Australian Republic Advisory Panel brings together a group of leading Australians: people who are committed to an Australian head of state and who have agreed to serve as patrons for our cause,” said the ARM National Director Michael Cooney.

“The panel is a diverse group of women and men who have each made significant contributions to Australia in fields including government, media, academia, business and the law.  For each of these individuals, their decision to join the Panel is a great sign of their confidence in the Australian Republic Movement and their commitment to the idea of an Australian head of state,” Mr Cooney said.

"The campaign for an Australian head of state is a big Australian cause - with a big head of steam building up. We're drawing on support from every community and every section of society and today is another big step forward," said Peter FitzSimons, Chair of the Australian Republic Movement.

"These leading Australians have generously offered their time and energy to a great campaign. They share a simple belief: Australia's head of state should be a citizen of Australia. Who could seriously argue anything different!"



(Link to full member profiles)

Louise Adler, Chief Executive, Melbourne University Publishing

Kim Beazley, Former Deputy Prime Minister, former Leader of the Australian Labor Party, former Ambassador to the United States

Luca Belgiorno-Nettis, Managing Director, Transfield

Larissa Behrendt, Professor and Director of Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology, Sydney

Steve Bracks, Former Premier of Victoria

Tim Fischer, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Nationals; Former Ambassador to the Holy See

Ross Fitzgerald, Author and historian

Marina Go, Chair and non-executive director

Catherine Harris, Chairperson, Harris Farm Markets, Rugby League Commissioner 

John Hewson, Former Liberal Party leader, financial and economic expert

Robert Hill, Former Minister for the Environment, Former Ambassador to the United Nations

Helen Irving, Professor of Law

Simon McKeon, Philanthropist and 2011 Australian of the Year

Jane Needham, Senior Counsel and former NSW Bar Association President

Kim Rubenstein, Professor, Law School, and Public Policy Fellow, Australian National University.

Clare Wright, Historian, author and broadcaster

Talal Yassine, Managing Director – Crescent Wealth

Alita BrydonMichael Cooney