‘Thanks, We Can Take It From Here’

A new ad campaign has been launched by the Australian Republic Movement, highlighting the fact that Australians are well and truly ready to stand on our own two feet and choose our own Head of State.


The new ads follow the successful launch of the Australian Choice Model – a positive alternative to the monarchy which would see Australia’s parliaments nominate a shortlist of candidates for all Australians to choose from at a national ballot.


One of us, for us, by us


We can take it from here


 ARM National Director Sandy Biar said the ad campaign “is a reminder that in the 21st Century, there’s no good reason for us to have the British King or Queen as our Head of State, especially when there are so many outstanding Australians across the country who could represent our nation.”


“While many Australians appreciate the service the Queen as Head of State, it’s time that Australians had our own Head of State.


“Our Head of State should live here, be a proud Australian, be able to unify our nation in times of celebration or crisis, something the King or Queen of the United Kingdom could never do or be.


“With the British King or Queen at the head of our country, there’s no choice or accountability at all” Mr Biar said.


“It’s important that more than ever, our future is in Australian hands, not the hands of a foreign monarch or their representative.


“C’mon Australia, we can take it from here” Mr Biar said.


The ads can be viewed on the ARM’s YouTube Channel:

One of us, for us, by us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qygF67GfAi8

We can take it from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RakOkcUTGMU

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