Resignation of Co-Chairs and Appointment of Acting Chair

The Australian Republic Movement yesterday noted the resignation of Nova Peris and Craig Foster from their roles as Co-Chairs of the ARM, and is pleased to announce today the appointment of our Acting Chair, Meredith Doig.  


National Director and CEO Isaac Jeffrey said: “Our members and directors join ARM from all walks of life and hold a variety of viewpoints on issues outside the republic. What brings us together is a shared vision for an Australian republic which strengthens our democracy, boosts our economy and jobs, places leadership and representation of our country in the hands of Aussies, and creates a fully independent and equal Australia on the world stage.


“As has been noted by both our outgoing Co-Chairs, they both remain passionate supporters of an Australian republic and of the movement - and we thank them for their ongoing support. 


“ARM is a nonpartisan and apolitical group. We are solely focused on a republic and do not take positions on issues which fall outside our vision for an Australian Head of State.


“I’m very pleased to say Vice-Chair Meredith Doig has agreed to be Acting Chair of the ARM until the elections process concludes. Meredith is a lifelong supporter of the ARM and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role. Meredith has been a senior executive in the corporate world, including at Ford, Rio Tinto and ANZ, and has over 15 years as a professional company director at organisations, such as the Port of Melbourne, V/Line, Bakers Delight, University of Melbourne, Federation University and Federation TAFE.


“For five years Meredith taught the Company Directors course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and for 15 years she was a Moderator with the Cranlana Program for Ethics and the Good Society.


“Meredith’s leadership and dedication to the ARM will ensure a smooth transition to the new board of directors and ensure the organisation remains on track to deliver a winning campaign for an Australian republic in the very near future.”

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