Australian Republic Movement Announces Appointment of Co-Chairs, Nova Peris OAM and Craig Foster AM

A Special General Meeting held by the Australian Republic Movement this week resolved to change the ARM Constitution and for the first time in 32 years, adopt female and male Co-Chairs.

As such, the Australian Republic Movement is pleased to announce new Co-Chairs: Nova Peris OAM and Craig Foster AM.

Co-Chair, Nova Peris, is an Olympic Gold Medalist, a Commonwealth Champion, the first Aboriginal woman elected to Federal Parliament, a long-time, passionate supporter of an Australian Republic and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1998.

Co-Chair Craig Foster (formerly Chair) is a former professional athlete, prominent human rights advocate and anti-racism campaigner who campaigned for an Australian Republic as a Socceroo during the 1999 referendum.

As part of the changes, ARM Executive member, Dr Meredith Doig OAM FAICD was also elected to Deputy Chair, having served as Deputy Chair Senior.

New Co-Chair Nova Peris said the change “reflects the value system of the ARM and the movement, one calling for access, inclusion and equality for all Australians in our Constitution. The ARM believes deeply in reflecting both the cultural diversity of contemporary Australia along with deep respect for its First Nations in our institutions as part of the unifying vision of a truly inclusive, reconciled and multicultural Australia.”

The appointment of these positions was decided by vote of the Australian Republic Movement National Committee on 20 March 2023.

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