The Australian Republic Movement is calling on all Australians to pledge allegiance to Australians and Australian values instead of to King Charles this Saturday.

King Charles’ absurd request demanding all ‘his subjects’ pledge fealty to him and his heirs and successors during the Coronation ceremony has been rightly met with incredulity. Never before has the British Monarch demanded such subservience from the Australian people.

In response, the Australian Republic Movement has proposed its own pledge, which it is encouraging Australians to take during the Coronation ceremony:

I swear that my loyalty is to the Australian people and Australian values of equality, democracy and meritocracy. I pledge to stand against hereditary entitlement and commit to the realisation of these values in our Constitution so that all elected offices under the law, including our Head of State are accountable to the Australian people. As I pledge today, I look forward to the day when Australia’s Head of State is also bound to swear loyalty to us, rather than the other way around.

The Australian Republic Movement is also calling on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to stand up for Australian values by refusing to pledge allegiance to Charles. While it is appropriate he attend the ceremony, he should do so as a representative of Australia and not take part in a disloyal and dishonest pledge that puts a foreign King above Australians. Instead, he should pledge his allegiance to Australia, its people and its interests whom he was elected to serve.

Polling released this week showed that only one-third of Australians thought that King Charles represents their values and almost two-thirds say that monarchy is the opposite of Australian values like equality and a fair go.

Co-Chair of the Australian Republic Movement Nova Peris OAM said that the King’s demand highlights how absurd the idea of monarchy is.

“To think that any self-respecting nation would bow before a foreign King is astounding. To think that a foreign King should expect that is an affront to all Australians” said Ms Peris.

Co-Chair Craig Foster AM said that the King’s request should be completely rejected and Australians should instead make an anti-pledge.

“Australians don’t bow to any King. We don’t take a knee for anyone. We’re a society of equals” said Mr Foster.

“We shouldn’t be expected to grovel before a King, or pledge obedience and neither should our members of Parliament” said Mr Foster.

The Australian Republic Movement is calling on all Australians to make their pledge to Australia on social media using the hashtag #DemocracyNotMonarchy.

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