Assistant Minister for the Republic: Remove the Royal Handbrake on Economy and Jobs

The Australian Republic Movement notes recent reporting which claims the Prime Minister is considering dumping the Assistant Minister for the Republic.

National Director and CEO Isaac Jeffrey said: “If the rumours are true, it would be a real shame. Not only because it won’t affect the very real cost of living pressures Australians are under. And, not because it would have any real effect on the campaign – as this is a people led movement, not a politician led one. But because it would be a very real missed opportunity to help build our economy and create local jobs.  


“An Australian Head of State will have a positive economic outcome for the nation. Like Charles does for the UK, an Aussie Head of State can market our nation on the world stage. They can promote our tourism, businesses and industry. They make the pitch for Aussie products and services on international trips. They can champion local businesses and charities, and this economic activity will flow on to Aussie industries and families.


“Our King and his Governor-General can’t or won’t do that for us. In fact, our future King, William, has directly lobbied against Australia hosting events, trying to curry favour for the UK. This isn’t fair for our country. It’s time we made Australia an equal. It’s time we had someone to stand up for our own people, jobs, businesses and economy in international relations. Someone who can open doors and hold their own with world leaders to put Australia in the box seat for events, tourism and trade. We need to remove the Royal handbrake on our economy and opportunity.


“The Assistant Minister has other duties in addition to those for the republic. There is no actual cost saving for removing the portfolio. It would be nothing but a tokenistic gesture when what people want and need is real action to strengthen our economy.


“We acknowledge ordinarily referenda are expensive. That’s the price of democracy and giving people a say in how they are governed. But when it comes to a republic referendum, the cost will easily be recovered by the economic benefits of an Aussie republic, which will boost our local businesses and jobs – as our new Aussie Head of State sells Australia to the world.  


“I know Aussies are hurting from cost of living. I’d much rather see an Aussie who understands that pressure as our Head of State, than a rich British aristocrat. We need a local champion elected on merit, not a man with 500 servants, wealth in the billions and a multibillion dollar property empire who is gifted power and privilege by birthright.


“The PM needs to focus on real cost of living measures and delivering real economic reform, and his Minister needs to get on with helping deliver the republic to help boost our economy, our tourism, our industry and our jobs.”

Isaac Jeffrey