Do We Bow or Curtsy? British King’s Representative to be Sworn in as Australian Governor-General

Do We Bow or Curtsy?

British King’s Representative to be Sworn in as Australian Governor-General


The Australian Republic Movement has acknowledged the swearing in of King Charles’ representative to Australia the new Governor-General Samantha Mostyn.


National Director and CEO Isaac Jeffrey said: “As Aussies head to work today for a salary which barely pays their rent or mortgage, heats their homes and puts food on their tables, the new Governor-General with her $209,000 pay rise will be sworn into office.


“It’s worth remembering when you watch the footage from Parliament House today that the Australian Governor-General is not a representative of the Aussie people, but rather she is the representative of the British King, King Charles the Third, by the Grace of God King of Australia and His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.


“Samantha Mostyn will from today act on behalf of an English aristocrat, 17,000 kilometres away in London. A man with a multibillion-dollar property portfolio and staggering wealth – all inherited by birth, along with the title and power of Australia’s Head of State. When signing bills into law and appointing officeholders, including the Prime Minister and Chief Justice of the High Court, she will do so in the King’s name – not in the name of Australia or the Australian people.


“When addressing the Governor-General, Aussies will be asked to make a court bow – a nod of the head towards the chest – and call Ms Mostyn Your Excellency. This is argued by some as a sign of respect for the role they hold, it sounds more to me like a reminder that Australians are supposed to be subservient to the King and his representative. A reminder that while we may be in the 21st Century, our system of government is not.


“Ms Mostyn will today swear her allegiance by saying ‘I, Samantha Mostyn, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors according to law. So Help Me God!’ – not to Australia or the Australian people.


“It’s time for democracy, not monarchy. It’s time for elections, not power and privilege by birthright. It’s time for skills, experience and merit, not kowtowing to a foreign King and his appointed representative. It’s time for Australia to be an equal, not an afterthought.


“Samantha Mostyn has the experience and skills needed to be Australia’s Head of State in her own right. In a republic, someone like Samantha Mostyn could be elected by Aussies to represent us on the world stage and promote Australia’s interests. But until then, she serves the British King, not the Australian people. She's not our Head of State, just his representative. 


“It’s time to strengthen our democracy and make Australia an equal by giving Aussies the right to choose their Head of State. This is the moment for an Australian republic and an Aussie Head of State.”  

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