New National Executive and National Committee Elected

Today the Australian Republic Movement announces the results of its National Executive and National Committee elections.


The new National Executive members are:

·              Co-Chair Esther Anatolitis

·              Co-Chair Nathan Hansford

·              Vice Chair Adam Spencer

·              Treasurer/Company Secretary Isaac McSwan

·              Executive Director Peter Botsman

·              Executive Director Michael Cooney

·              Executive Director Stephen Walters.


Joining the National Executive to form the National Committee are:

·              Youth Convenor Yasmin Poole

·              ACT Convenor Jack Archer

·              NSW Convenor Graham Cooke

·              NT Convenor Clare Martin

·              QLD Convenor Isaac McSwan

·              SA Convenor Raphael Murphy

·              TAS Convenor Wendy Le Cornu

·              VIC Convenor Reggie Michelson

·              WA Convenor Bodhi Hardinge.


Co-Chair Esther Anatolitis said: “What an honour to Co-Chair the mighty Australian Republic Movement. We’ve got a lot of good work to do towards an Australian democracy we can truly be proud of: one whose head of state is elected democratically, with the integrity we expect of every other representative we elect. My warmest thanks to our strong membership all over the continent and to my fellow National Committee members. Together, let’s create Australia’s future republic.”


Co-Chair Nathan Hansford said: “The British monarchy has no part to play in multicultural Australia. We are a fierce independent nation with tens of thousands of years of Indigenous culture. We do not need an Australian King (or Queen), we are quite able to choose one of our own, an Australian, to be our Head of State and represent us on the global stage. This is about Australia as a nation, it's time to move on and remove the British monarchy from our system of government. It is an outdated and irrelevant institution in our modern Australian democracy. As Co-Chair of the Australian Republic Movement, I am focused on engaging with our strong membership, executive team and National Committee to help drive us towards a stronger democracy and true independence.”


Youth Convenor Yasmin Poole said: “Young Australians overwhelming support an Aussie republic. They know the old and tired ways of monarchy don’t suit what we stand for. If we’re a nation which proudly celebrates fairness and equality, a republic must be part of our future. I’m looking forward to engaging with younger Aussies around the country to make a republic a reality.”


Biographies of the National Committee can be found at:

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