Visit Confirmed: Do the British Royals Really Represent a Modern Aussie Democracy?

The Australian Republic Movement has welcomed news King Charles will visit Australia in October and repeated its calls to meet with the King, while questioning why taxpayers will be slugged with the bill.  


National Director and CEO Isaac Jeffrey said: “Charles III is King of Australia and he’s coming to visit in October. This visit is a great opportunity for all Australians to ask themselves whether the British Royals really represent a modern Aussie democracy.


“While we respect the role the Royals have played in the nation to date, it’s time for Australia to elect a local to serve as our Head of State. Someone who can work for Australia full time and advocate for Australian industry, charities, economy, trade, jobs and people – like Charles does for the UK.


“We’ve asked for a meeting with the King during his visit, not to ask his permission to become a republic, because only the Australian people can make that decision. We’ve asked to meet so we can let him know Australia and the UK will continue our strong alliance, friendship and sporting rivalries when we become a republic. We’re keen to tell him we’ll stay in the Commonwealth and a republic is about us, not about him or his family.


“But while we welcome the opportunity for Aussies to ask these questions and consider the benefits of a republic which the visit will raise, we do question the cost of such a visit. Aussie taxpayers will be slugged with the costs right at the moment they are experiencing incredible cost of living challenges. The King is a multibillionaire with a $37 billion property portfolio. He can easily afford to pay his own way and we think that would be appropriate on this visit.


“At this stage, it’s looking like the King is only scheduled to visit Sydney and Canberra. As great as these cities are, this is an incredible missed opportunity. It’s been over a decade since a sitting Monarch of Australia has visited – even though they are our Head of State. What a pity he can’t take the time to visit each Australian State and Territory whose governments act in his name and on his authority.


“The King’s our Head of State by birth. Aussie don’t get a say. There’s no election, not even a simple endorsement of the Australian people. That sort of power and privilege shouldn’t be inherited, it should be gifted by and accountable to the people. That’s what an Aussie republic is about putting the power in the hands of the people to elect their own Head of State.


“During the Royal Visit it’s time for all Aussies to ask themselves and their family and friends, if Australia would be better served by a local, elected on merit, held to account and working in the best interests of Australia and only Australia.”   


Ends. Media Contact: Isaac Jeffrey 0423 876 813

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